January 2024 marks twenty years since the Great Ashby Community Centre first opened its doors to the public.
We have come a long way in those twenty years.

This edition of the Great Ashby Bulletin (a free publication created and distributed to the whole of Great Ashby by volunteers from the Great Ashby Newletter Group) from the Summer of 2004 shows that amongst the groups using the centre across our two halls were Dolly Mixtures Pre-School; who used the centre on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings; Karate and dance classes and a theatre group.
Today we have over 30 different groups and classes using our three halls. Our What’s On? page is updated every month with the clubs and classes that take place. We still have a pre-school who now use our Hall 1 for five morning and four afternoon sessions per week, various exercise and well-being classes, Brownies and Guides, baby and children’s classes as well as other interest groups such as sewing, dog training, the WI and a choir. And, as we were back in the noughties, we remain a much sought-after venue for parties and events.